Friday, April 15, 2016


I am involved in 3 different in depth Bible studies right now.  This morning one of the questions hit me and I wrote a long explanation to the question.  I wanted to share it with the world as it may help somebody, who knows.  Anyway, here it goes:

Question:  Do you think we have lost a passion for prayer?  Why or Why not?

Answer: Yes.

I think that Christians have been so squashed by our government.  We haven't stood up to them about our faith or prayer.  And to be honest, the Christian politicians have not stood up for their Christian values either.  In fact, some of them have totally turned their back on their Christian beliefs and values.

Because of this, prayer is not as important as it once was in society.  We used to start all sports games in high school with prayer and the national anthem.  Now, you are prosecuted and persecuted in you even look like you are praying on the field, in school, in the locker room, at your car, wherever.  Kid's can't have Christian clubs at school anymore.  They definitely can't have a Bible study at school. 
We are now seeing Christians fed up with all of the bullying of the non-Christians and we are paying the price for standing up.  We are being sued, we are being boycotted, we are being beheaded.  This is only the beginning folks.

The more we stand up for our Christian beliefs, the more we will have to endure.  But, we Must stand up to the non-Christian bullies or else we will end up having to hide just to be able to gather as one body for the Lord.  There are countries today that it is illegal for you to gather as a church and study the Bible.  The United States is quickly becoming one of those countries.  Which is sad, because we were founded on Christian beliefs.

Believe it or not, all of you non-Christians, the founding fathers based our laws on the 10 commandments.  Yes, the 10 commandments given to us by GOD. 

We are going to have to push back, because otherwise we lose everything.
So, yes we have lost the passion for prayer, but, I believe the passion is starting to come back because people are sick of cowering down to the "politically correct" crowd.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


TMJ, those 3 little letters cause a HUGE amount of pain! Yesterday afternoon I started getting a headache. My contacts had been bothering me all day, so I thought it was that. I didn't realize until dinner time that it was stemmed from my jaws. UGH! That is the worst pain ever. It feels like somebody is stabbing a knife in your ears. I went and got my Ease cream and rubbed it all around my jaw and around the back of my ear. Within 5 minutes, I was pain free. Thank you Plexus Ease. Do you suffer from TMJ? Want to try some Ease Cream to see if it helps you? Let me know! It is WONDERFUL stuff!!!! And all natural!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Check out what Christine has to say: “I started my journey to get healthy at the end of April of 2013. At the time I had just given birth my perfect surprise 2 months earlier. I had also just just been through the what seemed the hardest year of my life, which including losing my Poppa to cancer and my step mother in December of 2011, ten months before my Poppa’s passing.I knew after I laid eyes on Aaron, my son, that I never wanted my health to be an issue.
Plexus entered my life via my sister Erin . She couldn’t shut up about it, and that much hasn’t changed. When I started I just wanted to lose some weight, little did I know that was the tip of iceberg of how it would help me.
I have now lost 100 pounds. And each day I feel like I have been given a chance to the life that I was meant to live. In addition to the weight, my anxiety is now all but gone, no more migraines, no more sleepless nights, and no more sugar and carb cravings.
I take Slim and 1 boost and 2 xfactor in the morning. Probio 5 and bio cleanse at night. Recently added block 2 a day.
I also am able to run, an almost daily occurance, which I have never been able to do in my life. So as I celebrate this milestone, I am so happy but I am more excited to see what is next for me because now I feel the sky is the limit!!!!!” 

If you want more information, please email me at  If you are ready to buy or sell, click on the I <3 Plexus icon on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Weight Loss/ Healthy living

I have tried everything and nothing worked.  Now, I am going to try Plexus.  Come with me and join me for this journey.

My before Pics:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Slow Baked Chicken and Potatoes

The first day of my menu, I had chosen this recipe called Slow Baked Chicken and Potatoes.  I'm not giving you the link yet because I am not giving it a great review.  I am giving you the recipe to try if you would like.

It was half good.  The chicken and bacon was delicious.  But, the potatoes were not done.  they were still crispy, and that was not the texture I was looking for.  We even tried cooking it an extra hour.

Now, I have not given up on this recipe.  I am going to try it again next month, but I am going to cook it all day in the slow cooker/crockpot instead of for just 2 hours in the oven.

And now, the recipe so you can try it if you want.  Just cook it longer so the potatoes are cooked.

Doesn't it look delicious????

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 lb potatoes, thinly sliced
  • 2 large onions, thinly sliced
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary
  • 5 boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 4-6 bacon slices, uncooked
  • 1 1/2 cup chicken stock
  • salt and pepper
  1. Heat the oven to 300F. Grease an 11" cast iron skillet with olive oil. Set aside.
  2. Scrub the potatoes.  Thinly slice the potatoes and onions. Mince the garlic and finely chop the thyme and rosemary.
  3. In a large bowl combine the sliced potatoes, onions, minced garlic, fresh herbs. Season with salt and pepper and arrange layers of the potatoes in the prepared skillet.
  4. Place the chicken breasts on top of the potatoes and finish with pieces of roughly chopped bacon.
  5. Pour the chicken stock in the skillet and season with salt and pepper.
  6. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place in the heated oven. Bake for 2 hours without opening the oven.
  7. After two hours, open the oven and remove the aluminum foil.
  8. Turn he broiler on and cook for few more minutes until the potatoes slices and chicken get a little brown color.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Healthy Breakfast

Its Blueberry season here in the south.  It may be blueberry season everywhere, I don't know, I've never been out of the south.  So, with all of these blueberries, I try to find anything I can to make using blueberries.

I have been wanting to try baked oatmeal for a while now.  And when I found this blueberry baked oatmeal, I just knew I had to try it.


This is what mine looked like after I baked it and tried a piece.  You know I have to try it before I let you know how it is.  LOL!

I cannot say it enough.  TRY IT!!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chop, Chop, Chop

So, this will be my last follow up post on the July menu.  After today, I will be posting recipes and giving reviews.

This is a time saver, not necessarily a money saver.  However, when you buy a bag of carrots, in my house anyway, if they are not chopped up and frozen, then half of them get tossed after a few weeks.  Now, this wouldn't be a problem if I composted, but right now I don't.

So, in order to save myself some prep time, I chop up my veggies and freeze them.  Check out this video of how and why I do this.

Have a good one!