Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm just here sharing a recipe

I don't have a "B" post yet, so I'm just going to share a recipe with you.

Asparagus or Zuchinni (either will work)

Asparagus or zuchini
Olive oil
Parmesan Cheese

In a baking dish, spray the bottom with non-stick cooking oil.  If you are using Zuchinni, slice it up into round pieces.  Place Zuchinni or Asparagus in the the baking dish.  Now, sprinkle olive oil over the zuchinni or asparagus and use your hands to make sure it is all coated.  Then, sprinkle a generous amount of parmesan cheese over the zuchinni or asparagus.

Turn your oven to broil.  Place on lowest rack in oven and bake until the cheese has melted and browned.



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