Thursday, June 5, 2014

Book Review - Darker Than Night, by John Lutz

Have you ever read a book and at the end, your heart was beating so fast you couldn't go to sleep or wind down for a while?  Well, this is one of those books.  I finished this book last night around midnight and could not go to sleep for a while after finishing it.

At first, I thought there were too many plots going on at the same time.  Every chapter seemed to start a brand new story.  New characters were introduced throughout the book.  Yes, there was some sex and some very graphic descriptions of the murders.  But, in order to really get the reader into any book, you have to be graphic.  I didn't think it was too much, it was just the right balance.

By the end of the book, everything wrapped together and became clear as to why the author included it in the book.

This is definitely an adult book, no one younger than 18 should read this. 

I am on to the next book in this series now.  I will review it once I am done.

Darker Than Night is only $3.03 on Amazon (kindle store)

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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