Thursday, June 4, 2015


No,  I am not talking about sharks.  I am talking about this photo of me.

Look at my JAWS!  How did I get this way??????? 

 I know, I have been eating whatever I want, whenever I want.  Well, as of June 1st, that has STOPPED! 

I am on a mission.  We are planning a family vacation for November.  And I plan to be down 50 pounds by then.  That means, I have to lose 10 pounds per month, that is 2.5 pounds per week.  I can do this.  I have done it before, I can do it again.

How am I doing this?  Well, I have cut out as much gluten as I can (I am sure some slips in every once in a while).  I am exercising on the treadmill an hour each day, increasing my speed as I can.  And I am cutting out eating out to one time per week.

Seems simple, huh?  Well, its not.  Its is a struggle.  But, I am determined to do this.

So far this week, I have lost 1 pound.  So, I only have 1.5 pounds to go for the week. 

Yes, 50 pounds is a BIG goal.  But, I am a BIG girl and will get there. 

This year was our 25th anniversary.  I told my husband that this would be the last year he is married to a fat girl.

This was me 5 years ago on our 20th anniversary.

I was close to the weight I want to be.  See how it doesn't look like it hurts to smile?  Now, look at the now photo.  I look like Elvis in the later years.  It always looked like it hurt him to smile.  I'm not old enough to have seen him in person, just looking back on the videos.

Anyway, Here I go!  I will be sharing things that I am doing to cut out gluten out of my diet.  Such as, Tuesday night we had sloppy joes.  Well, I wrapped mine in iceburg lettuce instead of using a bun, and it was DELICIOUS!  Bye Bye Gluten!

Bye Bye Fat!  Hello skinny!  I can't wait!

Until next time!

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