Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1 Peter 2:9

Today's verse 1 Peter 2:9  But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

I just realized that I am on day 23 of a 31 day devotion for Fathers and Mothers and that has me a little bummed.  I have learned so much from this devotion that I hate to see it end.  I know I will learn just as much on the next devotion series, but man this one has been outstanding!

I am on day 30 of reading the Bible in one year (I read 2 days by accident once, oops!).  YAY!  I wasn't sure I would even get through the first month, but here I am, moving on into February in a couple of days, wow!

I might be starting a debt series soon.  My hubby and I read the Dave Ramsey book a few years ago, as well as listened to him on the radio, and watched him on tv.  Well, we got out of debt except the house.  Then, I was turning 40, shhh!  So, I "thought" I needed a new car.  New car = car payment.  Then, we went to Disney (paid cash for the whole trip!  But, on the way back, we decided we needed to trade in our PAID FOR 5th wheel on a beautiful motorcoach.  New motorcoach = motorcoach payment.........

Well, I am pleased to say that we bought my car (drove it out of the showroom with 7 miles on it) in December 2010.  We paid it off in May of 2012.  So, we paid of a brand new car in about a year and a half.  Our next goal is to pay off the motorcoach, unless my hubby talks me into selling it (I don't want to sell it! AT ALL!)  We purchased it in August of 2011.  It may take us 2 more years to do that, but I would like to do it sooner than that. 

After that, I want to get our house on the market and sell it so we can move to the country on a LARGE piece of heaven and grow LOTS of our own fruits and veggies, as well as have lots of animals.

Today's smoothie is a little different. I love experimenting. My family doesn't like me experimenting, unless it turns out good. Well, I think this one turned out real good, but that is me. My hubby hasn't tried this and if I tell him what is in it, he probably won't touch it. I left the house before my daughter tried it, so I'm not sure she had it or not. On the bright side, if she didn't then I have a smoothie for tomorrow and most of one for Thursday. LOL!

Lets start with the star of the show, my NINJA!  If I haven't said it before, I LOVE MY NINJA!
As you can see I have 2 cups of juice in my NINJA!  I used orange juice.  Next we will move on to the cast of characters:
Since it is winter, I do use a lot of frozen fruits.  Otherwise, we would have the same smoothie every day because there just aren't a lot of fresh fruits available right now.  I also go to the veggie market and buy their almost bad bananas and chop them up and freeze them.  This saves you time and money, and who doesn't want to save money???

Now, let me show you all these things mixed together.  (Don't worry, I will give you the full recipe at the bottom)
Does that not look delicious?  Oh my!  My mouth is watering again just looking at the pic.

And this made 2 and 3/4 Cups (red solo cups) of smoothies.  See?

Seriously, here is the full recipe:

2 Cups Orange Juice
1 3/4 Cups frozen strawberries
1/2 Cup frozen bananas (you can use 2 fresh bananas also)
6 dates
1 1/2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds (my SSIL will be posting something on her blog about chia seeds, when she does, I will share it with you as well)

The dates are like little surprise pieces of sugar in the smoothie!  LOVE IT!

The only thing I am missing is a handful of spinach in there.  My store was out of spinach this week, so I am having to do without.....

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I did!

Til Tomorrow!

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