Saturday, January 12, 2013

We are Trailblazers!

Good Morning everybody!

Its been a long time since I blogged.  I hope I remember how.  LOL! 

This blog will have many aspects.  I plan on doing some scrapbooking, diet and recipe posts, daily Bible verses, garden updates (right now there are none) and anything else I can think of.

Why the Title to this blog?  Well, I know I am not the first, but it is a first for me.  I started my "diet" journey, I actually call it a lifestyle change, back in October.  But, I didn't find the Bible verse until this year when I vowed to read my Bible all the way through.  God spoke to me the very first day of my Bible challenge, Thank you Lord!

Anyway, I started out my journey at 167.8.  No, I'm not afraid to say it.  Because I plan on never going there again.  Well, I forgot to take any pics of me when I started.  But, then I lost 5 pounds and actually DID take a pic.

Then, I lost another 5 pounds. 

Now, I have lost 10 more pounds.  I forgot to take a pic at 15 pounds down..... 

I have lost a total of 20 pounds in 3 months and that was even through out the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year holidays.  I have another 20 to go.  But, I know I can do this!

So, now you ask how I did this?  Well, it was simpl really.  You HAVE to change the way you think about food.  Everything you have grown up eating, STOP!  Fast food is BAAAAADDDDD!  Soft Drinks, even diet are BAAAAAADDDDD! 

The first thing I did was start drinking smoothies for breakfast.  Not the mixes you buy in the freezer section of the grocery store.   I mean, go out to your local farmers market and buy some fresh fruit.  Your favorite kind, because if you buy stuff you don't like, you won't do it.  So, we bought strawberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, etc.  Then go to your grocery store and buy your favorite juices.  Make sure they are NOT from concentrate, and it MUST be 100% juice.  We bought Florida's Finest OJ, Apple juice, Grape juice, and my hubby's favorite Cranberry juice. And also buy some organic Spinach.  Yep, spinach.  I promise you will never taste it.

I cannot tell you how much I love my Ninja blender.  (Pic goes here)

Ok, I make smoothies for 3 people, so if you need to make a smoothie for 1 or 2, cut this recipe in thirds.

Strawberry smoothie:
Wash one handful of spinach.  Pour 3 cups of juice (your favorite) into the blender.  Now, place the washed spinach into the blender. Peel and core an apple, and chop it up.  Put 1 Cup Strawberries, 1 cup Blueberries, and 1 Cup chopped up bananas into the blender.  Blend until smooth.  Then, add 2 Cups crushed ice.  If your icemaker does not make crushed ice, put it in a ziploc and hit is with a hammer or rolling pin. (you want to save your blender some energy so it doesn't burn out on you).

Now, pour it up into your glass and enjoy!

Tomorrow, I will go over lunch.


  1. So Excited for you!!! Congrats. Thx for the cool blog

    1. Thanks Tracie! I hope and pray this blog reaches people all across the world.
