Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why the Title?

Well, I started in my previous post to tell you why and how the Title came about.  But, I got distracted by telling you about my diet progress.

So, I have been wanting to blog again for some time.  But, I didn't know what I wanted to call it.  I knew I wanted it to be about my new lifestyle changes.  I have LOTS of ideas in my head to share with you, but one at a time.

My daughter came to me after Christmas and shared with me her New Years Resolutions.  I never make New Years resolutions, but it got me to thinking about how I can better myself.  So, I started making a list of all of the things I wanted to do.  Here's my list:

1.  Lose the rest of the weight I need to lose

2.  Exercise at least  5 days per week (this will start after April 15th)

3.  Read the Bible everyday

4.  Cook Healthy meals

5.  Learn photography (my hubby got me a fancy shmancy camera for Christmas, YAY!)

6.  Start a new blog(done)

7.  Be happy with my life

8.  Scrapbook every weekend (this will probably start after April 15th, but I would like for it to start now!)

9.  Get caught up with my business work (this is a goal every year, HA!)

10.  Tithe

11.  Get Hubby and the boys in church on Wednesday nights

12.  Pay off the motorhome (hubby wants to sell it, so we will see about this)

13.  Buy property (I want a farm!)

14.  Finish painting the house

15.  Get new furniture (we have boys, need I say more?)

16.  Decorate the house

17.  Put the house on the market

18.  Plant a garden

19.  Build a greenhouse

20.  Plant a fig tree

21.  Plant more blueberry bushes

22.  Sell stuff on ebay (got a lot of junk to sell, hehe!)

WOW!  That was a lot of things that I came up with in just 1 hour of sitting there thinking about my life. 

(just a little background) Back in December, I had decided to go completely vegetarian.

So, January 1st came around and I started my Bible resolution.  Low and behold, the first thing I read was Genesis 1.  the 29th verse goes like this:

"And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seek; to you it shall be for meat."

And that is why this year, my theme will be Genesis 1:29.

Now, the trailblazers part.  I am currently reading a book called 200 Pomegranates And An Audience of One:  Creating a Life of Meaning and Influence.  I am about 60% done with it and it is a GREAT read!  If you haven't read it, I suggest you do. 

Well, in it the author mentions that there are several different types of people.  Those that tag along for the ride, those who are just on a ride, then you have the trailblazers that is usually a small group if not just one person and they say to themselves, why not now? 

and this spoke VOLUMES to me.  That is me!  Why not now take my life into my own hands and make this change and hopefully I can encourage others to make the change as well.

And there you have it, Genesis129Trailblazers was born!

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