Monday, January 28, 2013

I have a very sad heart this morning

Last week, just north of my office a body was found behind another business.  Later that night, I learned it was a female body.  I do not know why, but this homeless lady that I have seen numerous times face flashed through my mind and I thought, I sure hope it is not her.  Well, today the news announced that it was indeed her.  As soon as I saw her picture, I called out Oh my Lord, NOOOOO!  I did not know this lady, I had just seen her walking down the street or standing on the corner holding a "will work for food" sign.  And I don't know why she stuck out in my mind, since my city is the capital of homeless people, well besides New York City.  She just had a look on her face of lost.  She never smiled, she looked dirty always, but she stuck out to me.  She just looked like she didn't belong on the streets, but then she also had, I can't describe the look in her eyes.  It wasn't like a glazed over look, it was more like she never really looked "at" anything, always around it.

What happened in this woman's life to cause her to be homeless?  I will never know.  Why didn't I stop and give her some food?  Because I have heard so many stories about people trying to help and its a ploy to get your money and kill you, so I was scared.  Jesus wasn't scared.  He healed to sick, He taught the homeless, He was not scared.

Now, I am not saying that my calling is to feed the homeless.  I will continue to tithe so my church can help feed the homeless.  My calling is spreading God's word in my office, to my clients, on Facebook, and here on my blog.  I know God works through these posts and through my actions.  I have friends tell me all the time, to keep posting because what I post is speaking to them.  I will never grow rich from it.  That is not what I am after.  But, My God will provide for me what he wants me to have.

Today's verse is Psalms 105:1  Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon hes name; make known his deeds among the peoples!

Today, I pray for all of the homeless people of the world.  I pray that, if they don't know Jesus as their personal saviour, that they will come to know him soon.  I pray that something will change in their lives and they will come off the streets and start living their lives for God.


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