Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ephesians 4:32

Be Kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Today I am starting a series on NO POO.  Yep, you heard me, no poo, meaning no shampoo or conditioner in my hair from here on out.  In fact, I don't want to put any more product in my hair ever again! (well, except for color)

So, I have been contemplating doing this for several months now.  But, I've always been afraid to because I color my hair every 5-6 weeks.  If I didn't color my hair, I would be completely grey, and I am just too young to be grey, Hmmmph!  Then, the last time I was getting my hair done, my hairdresser noticed while she was curling it that I had product build up in my hair.  She told me to use baking soda to get it out.  Well, duh that is what no poo is.  So, if my hairdresser was telling me to use it, it must be safe.  But, it still took me several weeks to start it again (I go get my hair colored next week.  See how long it took me to make my decision?). 

What really made me decide was my hair started falling out.  Honestly, my hair falls out all the time, I have a TON of hair, so I never miss it.  This time though, it seems to be falling out a lot more than usual.  I still have a ton of hair left, so I don't miss it.  But, it got me thinking and realizing that maybe all of the product in my hair was drying out my hair and causing it to break off.  Who knows if this is the real reason, but it sounded good.

So, I started no poo........ halfway.  I had baking soda in my bathroom already, but I didn't have the vinegar.  So, the first day, I washed my hair with 1 Tblsp of Baking soda, mixed with 1 Cup of water.  You are supposed to scrub your scalp with this mixture.

And here are the results.


Honestly, I did notice a few white spots in my hair this day.  I'm thinking it was left over baking soda.  But, once I dried and curled my hair, I never noticed it again.  Also, my hair felt heavy for some reason.  It could be from the product still in my hair.  And my scalp tingled a little all day, not enough to bother me, I just noticed it.

But, all in all it was a good experience.  Now, if I can keep this going, I will not only save a lot of money, but I will not be putting any carcenogan (sp?) on my hair anymore.

Have a great day!

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