Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.


On day 3 you are to wash your hair with the baking soda paste (see day 1 for amounts).  And also condition it with vinegar.  And I actually remembered the vinegar today!!!!!  The amounts you need for this is 2 Tblsp Apple cidar vinegar and 1 Cup water mixed together. 

Here are the results:

WOW!  Look at that body, in that hair!  I LOVE it!  No, my hair does not smell like vinegar.  My hubby even did the sniff test and he said he could not smell anything.  This do is with no gel, no hairspray, no nothing.  Just wash my hair with baking soda and condition it with vinegar, then I blew it dry, and curled it with a hot air curling brush.  That is it!

And the hairdo lasted all day.  And it was a rainy day, therefore my hair would normally flop.  But, not today.

I did not feel any tingling of my scalp today, nor did I feel my hair was heavy.  I just LOVE the results!

Onward we go!

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