Tuesday, June 4, 2013

B is for Boys

Back to my writing through the alphabet!

(Pic taken in hotel before Grandma's funeral 5/11/13)

What a busy couple of weeks we have had.  On Thursday, May 23rd, I was watching Fox & Friends.  They had a family on that homeschools their 12 kids.  Well............. this struck something in me that I cannot explain.  I had ALWAYS said, I could not EVER  homeschool my boys, it would just be too much.  Well, I could not stop thinking about it all day and all night.  Finally Thursday night, I prayed and asked the Lord, "if this is what you want me to do, please give me clarity."  Let me tell you, if you ask the Lord for clarity, He will give it to you if it is His will (at least He did with me).  That night it began.  I would wake up (to use the bathroom or just wake up out of a deep sleep) but then, my heart would speed up and I would start thinking.  And I could NOT go back to sleep for several hours.  I would be researching homeschooling.  Now, I am no stranger to homeschooling.  I homeschooled my daughter 5th-7th grade.  But, I still was not sure this was for me.  But, it began to get clearer and clearer.  I hesitated talking to my husband because I thought he would think I was nuts.  You see, my boys are 13 months apart in age and they are VERY competitive with each other, therefore we have fights constantly.  But, I got up the nerve to tell him what I was considering.  I about fell out because he was for it.  WOW!

A few days later, I started researching curriculum.  By the Tuesday after Memorial Day, I had ALL of the curriculum picked out for BOTH boys.  If you have ever researched curriculum, you know this is a MAJOR ordeal.  When I started homeschooling my daughter, it seemed like forever before I could settle on a curriculum.  Now, this curriculum may not work out like I planned, but it is a start.  And, that is the joy of homeschooling, you can change if its not working out for you and your student/child.  So, I would definitely say that the Lord was giving me CLARITY, wouldn't you?

On Wednesday, I ordered my youngest's Math curriculum.  He has been struggling all year with math, so I knew I wanted to get started with him ASAP.  I ordered the beginning math for him so that he can have a little more confidence in the backbone of the subject before we move on.  Again, the joys of homeschooling.  Well, the books were supposed to be in on Monday (yesterday).  So, I thought we would start today.  But, they came in on Saturday, so we got to start yesterday (Monday).

Also Saturday, while cleaning the boys room.  I came across a 3rd grade reader.  I had bought it for my daughter when she was in 3rd grade, but never used it.  So, he started it yesterday as well.  And he keeps asking for more to do (but he is my bookworm, so its not too unusual).

I feel God's had in everything.  It is AWESOME!!!!!

This past Friday, my husband said, I just want to make sure we look at the good and the bad of homeschooling and are aware of any down sides to it.  So, I googled the disadvantages of homeschooling and read a bunch of site's information.  But, every time I would read something negative, I got a calmness about me and knew God wanted me to do this.

Then, Sunday I had some doubt.  But, that day I was just cruising around on the internet and came across some blogs from homeschoolers.  They talked about having doubt and how doubt is the devils work and gave Bible verses to back it up and then some encouraging verses and all of my doubts disappeared.  Thank you Lord.  WOW!!!!!

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