Thursday, March 14, 2013

Matthew 13: 45-46

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

Another POWERFUL verse.  He paid the ultimate price for our sins.  WOW!  Thank you Lord!
Have you ever had them?  Oh my goodness, they were delicious.  And OH so EASY!
As you know, I am trying to become vegetarian, but I still cook for my family that are carnivores.  LOL!  Well, this night, I was tired after a long day at the office and I just didn't know what in the world to fix.  I knew I didn't want to call out for pizza, yuck!  So, the next best thing was a Pizzadilla.  I pulled out the George Foreman press cooker and then got out all the ingredients and proceded to make them.  It took all of 20 minutes to get supper cooked.  And then my dear sweet hubby took care of anybody that wanted seconds.
Tortillas (I used spinach tortillas for mine, flour tortillas for everybody elses.
Spaghetti sauce (you could use pizza sauce, but we had spaghetti sauce in the fridge that needed using up.)
Any other ingredients you may want.  I sauted onions, bell peppers, and black olives for mine.
Mozzerrella cheese

Spread the sauce around the tortilla until almost at the edges.  Place your ingredients on half of the tortilla.  Fold over, and place on griddle.  cook until cheese melts and oozes out (YUMMY!).  Remove from griddle, cut and serve.

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