Sunday, March 3, 2013

Psalm 34:8

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

I'm feeling a bit better today.  So, I'm not going to up my vitamin C today.  Although, I am getting a good amount in my smoothie.

This is what we used to call a SUICIDE when I was young.  We would mix every kind of "soda" together and drink it.  So, today I am almost out of grape juice, so I'm using that up.  And then the rest of the liquid is Apple juice (since apple juice is not very strong, it won't cover up the grape juice).

2 Cups Juice
2 Cups Pineapple/Mango
1 Cup Blueberries

Mixing it up!
Oops, no after picture......

Anyway, it was good!  Enjoy!!!!

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