Monday, July 22, 2013

A Classroom in progress

And so it begins...........................................

I have been asking (ok, nagging) my husband for a few weeks to change out the playroom and make it into a school room.  Then, I read somewhere that one of the reasons we chose to school at home because we didn't want our kids to be stuck in a schoolroom all day. 

After that, I had an epiphany.  Why do I need an office all to myself?  I can share, right?  I mean, I teach my boys to share...... well, I try to teach my boys to share, they are 7 & 8.  I mean, sharing to them is once they get in trouble for not sharing, they throw whatever it might be at the other brother.  OK, that is sharing to them.  So, I need to share myself and be a good example.

So, last week, I moved my desk to the front corner of my office (I'm not showing a picture of my desk because it is a disaster!)

And, yesterday we absolutely tore my office up AND the playroom and moved two more desks into my office and created a "schoolroom" and office all in one.  I could not do school in the kitchen one more day.  I had ran out of counter space to do any prepare things to cook.  Well, the desks look good, but the rest of the room is a disaster and the playroom is still a disaster. 

Slowly, but surely, I will get it all put back together. 

I have a bunch of decorating stuff on the floor of my office.  I need to have a yard sale to get rid of all of it.  But, that will have to wait.  It seems I live in Florida, the state that USED to be known as The Sunshine State.  Yea, it should now be known as the wet, rainy state.  You only THOUGHT that was Washington State.  NOPE!  if you want rain, thunder, lightening, wind, we've got you covered.

And about the cooking, I actually slow cooked a ham in one crockpot and slow cooked dinner in another.  Something, I could not do last week with all of the school books piled up on my counters.  YAY! 

God Bless you!


  1. Way to re-think space. I'm terrible at doing that myself ;}. Love it when things come together!
