Saturday, July 6, 2013

F is for Fourth!

F is for Fourth

Well, this Fourth of July was a wet soggy one.  We have a sort of tropical system (sort of because its not named, but has tropical characteristics) sitting right over the top of the Panhandle of Florida.  And this year, we actually made plans for the WHOLE weekend.  We never make plans ANY weekend, so for us to make plans is amazing.  LOL!  We were "supposed" to go to the beach on Thursday, the Florida Caverns of Friday, and have a yard sale Saturday.  But, what we ended up doing was going to the Navy Museum on Thursday, sit around on Friday because the weather was just too wet, and go to dinner at my mother in laws tonight (Saturday).  We have had a great long weekend despite the yucky weather.  Here are some pics of some crafts we did on Tuesday, and then a pic of my daughter and youngest son at the museum.

Colored rice is really easy.  1 Tablespoon of Vinegar, and food coloring, mix in 1 Cup of rice.  Then, once its the color you want, spread the rice out on parchment paper to dry.  I let mine dry over night.

I didn't know how messy it would be, so I had the boys take their shirts off.  This is one area my mom is shocked at that we school in just shorts.  I told her that sometimes the boys don't even have on shorts, sometime we homeschool in underwear, that is the beauty of homeschooling.  :-)


 Happy Birthday America!  May God Bless us all!

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