Thursday, July 4, 2013

E is for Emotions

E is for Emotions

I don't know about you, but my emotions can be like riding on a rollercoaster.  I can wake up happy, and 30 minutes later be sad, then another 30 minutes and I am excited, then another 30 minutes I am frustrated.  I hate this about myself.  In starting this homeschooling journey, I have had every emotion possible.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has led me to this junction in my life and that He is leading me to homeschool my boys.  But, it does not stop my emotions of doubt, guilt, disbelief.  It also conjures up the emotions of elation, excitement, joy, pride, and exhilaration.  I believe God gives us these emotions to keep us on our toes.

I've also been struggling with my personal emotions about myself.  Lately, I have hated everything about myself.  My hair is driving me crazy!  I feel like its just a mop on top of my head.  I hate my body, but do I work out?  NOOOO!  If I would get off my butt, I would feel better about myself.  But, I make excuses and then when its time to eat, I choose bad foods instead of good foods.  I HAVE to get this under control.  As far as my hair?  I haven't made up my mind what I want to do.  I have a few more weeks until my next hair appointment, so I can think about that for a little while longer.

So, if you read an emotional post by me, just know that the next one will probably be a lot happier.

Have a great day!

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