Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Big Berkey!

Well, since we don't have to pay $400 per month for school this year, we decided to buy a Berkey water filter system.  We are trying to buy and do the best we can for our family in the way of diet and health.  We already eat several salads per week, we are trying to buy better meat, but it is soooooo expensive, so we are easing into that.  So, this was our next step. 

Isn't it beautiful?
Me and the kids drink water all day long.  We are also in the south, so sweet tea is on the menu a lot too.  Not to mention coffee.  The dogs are drinking it too.  LOL!
I can tell you that there was definitely a difference in taste.  I didn't think there would be, but there is. 
We use it for everything, cooking, cleaning, drinking, everything. 
The only thing this doesn't help is with our showers and baths, and washing our hands and clothes.  But, we will eventually get to those too.  We aren't planning on staying at this house much longer, so we are having to weigh out the cost of the upgrade and then if we could get that cost back out of the sell of the house.
Do you use a water filter?  Do you have a whole house filter?  Let us know!
God bless you all!

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