Friday, July 19, 2013

Realistic Homeschooling

We have had a very uneventful week of homeschooling.  We ALL got up with great attitudes and got ALL of our work done.  YAY!!!!!!

We really didn't have any crafts that we did this week, so not much to report.

However, last night about 8:30, our small dog decided to scratch open a cyst that has been on his back for a while and it started bleeding, and bleeding, and bleeding.  So, me and my daughter started doctoring him.  Well, he is a very hairy dog, so medical tape was not going to work.  An ace bandage type thing didn't work.  So, we got out the Duct Tape.  Yep!  You read that right, duct tape.  IT WORKED!

So, when life shows up, use what you have, even if its Duct Tape!  LOL!

After staying up half the night making sure he was ok, we got up bright and early and took him to the doctor.  The doctor got a kick out of our bandage.  LOL!  She is treating it as an opened wound with 2 different antibiotics.  We will doctor it for about a month and if it doesn't heal (she said some don't heal on their own), we will then go to plan B which is surgery and stitching it up.  I'm going to pray real hard for it to heal up this way and not have to go to plan B.

                                                                 (kids at the vet)

She also told us to put a t-shirt on him.  Well, we didn't have a doggie t-shirt, so he got one of the boys old t-shirts.  LOL!

                                                                  (Isn't he cute?)

Needless to say, we didn't get any schooling done today.  My boys did read their library books.  OH, let me tell you about the library!  We went to a different library yesterday.  We went to the MAIN library in town.  OH MY GOODNESS, we were in library heaven!  The library we were going to?  Well, you could fit the WHOLE library in just the kids section of the main library!  I am going to take pictures next week.  It is AMAZING!!!!!!

I asked the librarian if they did anything for homeschool kids after school starts.  She said they didn't have anything specifically for homeschool kids, but they do have a thing coming up in August for any kid.  It is a make and take model.  The kids make a snap together model and then they can take it home.  That is cool too!  Its on the calendar!  This is on top of the exhibit that starts at the end of July about astronomy.  I am THRILLED to have gone to this library.  THRILLED, THRILLED, THRILLED!

Have a great weekend!  We are hoping to go play tennis tomorrow, but alas it is supposed to rain......again this weekend.

God Bless you all!

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