As some know, I am adding in a new curriculum every month, so we don't break the bank all at one time. Honestly, last year we were paying $410 per month for the boys to go to private school, so a little curriculum cost is not really going to break the bank, its just nice not to have to spend it all at one time. And also, it gives the boys time to get used to one subject and then add in the next, and then the next, and then the next.
Yes, I know this means we will not be finishing all of our curriculum at one time, and I am good with that. We are homeschooling year round, so we don't really need to finish everything by May 30th (or whatever day public school gets out).
The first subject I started with was math. Little guy had a real hard time last year with math, so I knew we were going to start there with him. Well, Big guy kept asking where his math was, so I ordered his a few weeks later. Then, we added history the next month, then Spelling the next, not to mention the tons of printables I have been using. (I have got to start saving those links so you can enjoy them also. I promise I will start saving them.)
But, in the mean time Big guy was needing to be more challenged, so I hit the library. After talking to him several days in a row, I realized even though he is going into 3rd grade, they had not introduced him to the parts of speech. So, where do I start? Where do I start????? Some how I figured out to start with nouns (I am sure the Lord helped me with this, because I have not found anywhere that says you start with nouns first, then........)
Well, one day Big guy was looking at the books about paper airplanes, and lo and behold on a shelf across from that, were all kinds of books for Grammar (aka Language Arts). WHOO HOO!!!!!! I grabbed up the first 2 I found on nouns and called it a day. Here is what we started with:
I don't know if you have figured it out yet, but I LOVE OUR LIBRARY!!!!!! I mean, you can find anything there.
So, on day 1 of Grammar, we read A Mink, A Fink, and A Skating Rink. And we began the nouns book with what is a noun.
I found some worksheets about nouns (again, I promise I will start saving those links and sharing them) and we began to work. Big guy is a very quick learner, so it was no time before he had this book completely read and all of the worksheets completed (correctly).
And then, I was off researching the library online to find our next book. I have it ordered and will share with you when I pick it up.
All this to say, you don't necessarily have to have a purchased curriculum to get the most out of homeschooling. Sometimes, the FREE resources are just what the Lord had in mind when He placed in your brain the idea of homeschooling in the first place.
Have a GREAT day!