Monday, August 5, 2013

Astronomy Unit Study

Science:  What do you do for science?

Well, this year we are going to try to do unit studies.  If it doesn’t work out, I will order science curriculum.  But, from all of the “standards”  that I have read, in 2nd and 3rd grade, they just touch on each type of science.

Right now, we are doing an astronomy study.  We started by watching this movie.



 Well, it was bbbbboooooorrrrriiiiinnnnggggg!!!!!!!!!  But, we made it through.  (I kind of took a nap, but don’t tell anybody).  We have some books and another series on Netflix to read and watch.  I also have some crafts up my sleeve to do.

I will update every time we add something to the unit study.  We are definitely utilizing the library for our studies.  I’m so excited!!!!!  If we can keep this up, we will save so much from not buying an actual curriculum.

Science is NOT one of my favorite subjects, but I am working on that.  One of my boys LOVES science, so I have to do my best to keep his interest high in the subject.

Do you utilize your library?  We used to go to a satellite branch of our library, and thought we were getting the best.  Well, a few weeks ago, I decided to make the trip down to the actual library.  MAN, were we missing out!  Our satellite branch could fit inside the kid’s section of the main branch.  We are in book heaven now!!!!!

God bless you all!



  1. I love our library. We just did a lap book on the solar system from homeschoolshare.come and loved it.

    1. I'll have to check that out! Thanks for stopping by!
