Friday, August 9, 2013

New Do's

Nothing is more exciting than getting a new "do"!  Well, at least for us......

You see, where my boys went to school these past few years, there is a VERY VERY VERY strict code on how you are to wear your hair.  You cannot have your hair spiked, cut into a bowl, or any other way that the teacher or principal may think draws attention to yourself. 

Well, my youngest boy has some funky hair that NEVER lays down.  No matter how much gel or hairspray or anything we put on it, by the end of the day, it was sticking up.  So, we started out the year, last year, with spikey hair, just so he wouldn't feel self conscience about it sticking up.  Well, we were immediately told we could not have his hair that way.  So, we had to paste it down to his head every day (not literally, but you get the gist).

So, when they found out they were not going back to that school...... well, they BOTH wanted their hair spikey.  So, here we go!  Our NOT back to school hair do!  HA!!!!!

And as for me, well I had not been happy with my hair for a few months now.  So, when it was my turn, I had her cut most of it off.  And it gave me a new bounce in my step!  I feel soooooooo much better with this shorter hair.  I feel more confident.  I don't know what it is about a new do that does that, but man the exhilaration!  Double HA!

Do you ever get NOT back to school hair cuts?  I never even thought about it until this year, simply because we always went BACK TO SCHOOL! 

The boys love their hair and ask me to spike it up every day.

God Bless you all!

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