Friday, August 23, 2013

Astronomy Update

Well, we have been steadily working our way through all of the books I could get from the library on the planet Mercury. 

If you haven't been with me before, we are doing a unit study on Astronomy.  Taking an in depth look at each planet.  Right now, we are focusing on Mercury, since it is the closest to the sun. 

So, we added this book to the study.  Each book we add seems to have something new in it that we didn't know.  We are learning so much, I am really excited!  We don't have very many more books to study about Mercury, then we will be off to the next planet.

See, after looking at several lists of what a 2nd and 3rd grader should know about science, I discovered that at this point, they are just touching on each aspect of science.  Well, we are probably getting more in depth than most 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms on the subject of Astronomy.  But, me and my boys are enjoying it and we are learning a LOT too!

So see, if you are new homeschooler.  Let this be an encouragement to you that you don't have to have an expensive science curriculum.  You can just go visit your local library and find all you need to to learn about science!

God bless you all!

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