Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Is your little person having trouble with math??????

I can get sooooooo frustrated some times.  I know my 7 year old can do math, I know it, I know it, I know it!  But, some times................he just goofs off and acts like he is 1 and has no idea what 1+1 is.  AAAAaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Well, I needed something fresh to get him to do his 2+ facts.  So, one night I was playing Bingo on my ipad, trying to drown out the fact that my son could not tell me what 2+5 was that day.  And ALL OF A SUDDEN, my brain kicked into gear.  Yep, that happens sometimes.

So, what is a girl to do you ask?????  Jump over to Amazon.com and see what kind of deals they have on Bingo games.  Yep, they had a Bingo game for $17.99 (here is the link!  http://www.amazon.com/Century-Novelty-Complete-Bingo-Game/dp/B0016HN3GO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1375821386&sr=8-2&keywords=Bingo)   AND, thanks to Amazon Prime, we had it in 2 days.  Do you have Amazon Prime?  Oh my goodness, that is the best thing Amazon ever came up with.  For our family, Amazon Prime has saved us so much money on shipping, its crazy!

Here's what we do.  Each boy gets 1 Bingo card.  I will call the number that comes out of the cage, for example 5.  And say, ok what is 5+2?  The 7 year old has to answer.  Then, I say B7 AFTER he answers correctly.  We do the same for the higher number too.  And you know what?  IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!  He asks to do Math Bingo every day!  WHOO HOO!!!!!  I am one happy momma!

Now, we tried to do this with multiplication for the 8 year old, but the answers were just too high in some cases that the numbers didn't go that high, so only do this with addition and subtraction.

I hope this gives you some ideas on how to get your little person to get better with their math factoids.

God Bless you all!
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. To cute! Wonderful idea. We love playing games within our school days!
