Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mistery of History

Wow what we have learned!  I am learning right along with my boys.  Yes, I may have heard of some of the stories, but others I have not heard of at all.  It is AWESOME!!!!!!

Since my last update, we have of course learned about creation.  And of course we learned about Adam and Eve, and their sons.  But, then we learned about Jubal and Tubal-Cain.  You know, I think I have read that part of the Bible many times, but it has NEVER stuck!  I had no idea who these two characters were. 

Then we learned about the Ice Age.  We did a little experiment, but it didn't last long enough for me to take pictures, so maybe another time.  The experiment was "how long can you stand the cold?"  Its August in Florida, right?  So, it is HOT as hades outside, right?  Well, this experiment was to take ice and place it on your belly and see how long you could stand it.  Well, my boys couldn't even last long enough for me to get my camera.  LOL!  We did this outside, I was thinking since it was hot, they would last longer.  NOPE!  The said it burned.  Go figure!  I didn't try it, so I still have no idea.

Anyway, how have you explained the Ice Age?  Have you done any cool experiments about this time period?

God Bless you all!


  1. We are loving MOH too! And my girls got a kick out Jubal and Tubal Cain. I don't ever remember hearing about them either.

    1. I love this curriculum! Thanks for stopping by! Sherie
