Friday, August 30, 2013

Astronomy Update

Well, we are wrapping up our Mercury study.  It has been fascinating.  Have I remembered anything we have learned?  NOPE!  But, the Big Guy has.  The Little Guy is not interested at all, but as long as he is in the room paying attention, I really don't care if he retains any of it.  At this point, he does not want to be a scientist or have anything to do with the space program.  LOL!  Now, the Big guy LOVES science and space.  This is why he is like a sponge during science time.

Here is the last of the books we read about Mercury:

This book had so much information in it, we only read one chapter per day.  There were 7 chapters. We even read the chapters about Pluto, even though we are not to Pluto yet.  It was very interesting to learn about the surface, atmosphere, etc of Mercury.

Utilize your library for great unit studies.

Have a great day!

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