Thursday, August 29, 2013

History update

I have decided to use my blog as a daily journal entry of how our homeschool year is going.  Some may get tired of my entries.  I'm hoping it will be inspiration to others.

I am a very, very, very frugal person.  Honestly, my husband and I are so frugal, its scary.  We have worked through the Dave Ramsey program a few years ago, and learned to live on less.  Yes, we are pretty much debt free.  Our only debt is our motorcoach and our home.  And after a budget meeting last week, we have a plan to get both of those paid off in the next 5 years.  WHOO HOO!  I'm so excited about that!

After all of that explanation, I am finding more and more ways to NOT spend money homeschooling.  So, today's post is about building a ziggurat.  We learned about how the Sumerians built Ziggurats and this was the beginning of building pyramids. It was also around the same time frame that the people built the Tower of Babel.  And when the Lord created multiple languages.

So, after reading our Mystery of History book, the boys created their very own Ziggurat.  I was expecting them to build a much bigger building together, but they each created miniature version of the Ziggurat.  LOL!  Its amazing how we get an image in our head and then things turn out completely different than what we had imagined.  Here is their creations:

(This is little guy's creation.  He says, look mom its scary because it has an eye.  LOL!)


  1. Love the lego Ziggaruts! I bet the kids had fun building them as well. Congrats on being debt free. We are going to a budgeting class in fall.

    1. Yes, they had a blast! Once you get the budget down, its a breeze. Good luck! Sherie
