Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Classroom update!

Classroom update!


Well, it’s been a week or so since I wrote about our classroom.  We haven’t done a ton of changes, but we have added new chairs.  Office Depot had these cool chairs on sale for $59.99 each, so we hopped on that sale and got 2.  We got the same color, so there would be NO fighting.  Ha-ha!  Yea, I know I am wishfully thinking.


I just want everybody out there to know, you don’t have to go out and spend a fortune to set up a “classroom”.  Honestly, I had planned on doing just that.  I had a picture in my head that our school was going to look like a school.  Then, I kept putting things off and putting things off until finally the Lord made it clear in my head how things should REALLY be set up.  We moved desks that we already owned into my office.  I mean, I have a huge room that I was using for my office and only had 1 desk in the room.  I had plenty of room to share with my kids.  And why not show them that sharing is good.  Because I am sharing my office, they will get to keep their playroom.  And why do my walls have to be filled with bulletin boards and chalkboards, and whiteboards like a school room?  They don’t!  We have made the conscious decision to school at HOME, so let’s keep it looking like a home!

I hope this encourages some new homeschoolers and maybe even some practiced homeschoolers in the realms of your “classroom”.  As long as they have a place to do their work, that is all you need. 

Before I had this epiphany, we were holding school in the kitchen.  And actually, I kind of miss that…… kind of.  I was able to do dishes while the boys were doing their worksheets.  I was able to plan dinner while they were doing their busy work.  I was able to wash clothes and dry them as soon as the washer or dryer went off.

But, you know what?  Even though I was able to do all that stuff, we needed a place to be able to leave out our books and such.  I had to pack up all of our school books and “stuff” every afternoon, just so I could cook dinner.  Lunch was a nightmare.  I would have to prepare lunch on the dinner table, instead of the island.  I mean, we were making it.  But, this is much more comfortable.

I’m still in the process of organizing the room like I want, so stay tuned and see where God leads us!


God Bless You ALL!


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