Thursday, September 5, 2013

Astronomy Unit Study Update

We are now past Mercury and are now studying Venus!   I was going to start an art project, but the boys were not very well behaved at the store yesterday, so we moved on from the fun stuff to the not so fun stuff of watching the video of Venus.

I went onto the Public Library's website and searched the catalog for anything on the subject of Venus.  I found a ton of stuff!  So, I sorted through the titles and found 1 video and several books (will post those when we get to them).

This video was a great introduction to Venus.  Although, when it started out, I had to pause it to make sure it wasn't an X rated movie.  LOL!  The introduction was nothing but artwork of the Goddess Venus.  Well, if you've seen any pictures or even any artwork of Venus, you know she is a half naked, if not all naked woman.  I have 2 boys ages 7 & 8.  I was a little concerned.  But, I just forwarded through the introduction and on to the movie/documentary.

Like I said earlier, it was very good.  We will be studying more about Venus in the next few weeks, so be sure to check back for updates!

Check your local library for great resources on study material!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. The library is such a great place for resources and ideas. Our local library even hosts complimentary events for the children on a weekly basis!

    Thanks for sharing. Wishing you a lovely day.
