Friday, September 6, 2013

Mystery of History Update

Adding to our timeline!

WE are learning so much during History every day.  Yes, I said we.  There are some things, ok most things, in history I do not remember learning in school. 


Yes, I remember learning about the Sumerians and the Tower of Babel.  I remember learning about the Tower of Babel in Sunday School and church.  But, I do not remember learning about the Epic of Gilgamesh. 


I found the pictures for our timeline on the internet.  Just a simple Google search and Bam!  It was done.


FREE resources, that's what I'm talking about!  LOL!  You  can find so much on the internet.


How do you come up with the items for your timeline?  Did you buy the pre-printed pack?  Or do you create your own?  We have a mix of it all.

Have a Great day!

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