Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Florida Caverns

We took a trip to the Florida Caverns in Marianna FL.  If you don't know where that is, well its about a 2 hour drive from Pensacola.  We got up early, because it has rained every single weekend this summer in NW Florida.  And almost ever single weekday too.  According to the National Weather  Center, this is the 2nd wettest summer ever recorded (the 1st was last summer, but I don't remember it being this wet.  I think we got all of our rainfall in 1 weekend last year.  This year we are getting rained on every day)

Anyway, back to my story.  We headed out on a beautiful sunny Saturday and got there at the perfect time.  It hadn't got too hot yet.  So, we went into the little gift shop and paid for our tour.  And this is what we saw:

 (I don't remember what any of the formations are called except this one ^.  Its called the wedding cake.  Can you see it?)

(My beautiful children!)
WOW!  If you EVER have the chance to go see this gorgeous wonder of nature, DO IT!  You will not regret it!
Would you believe that as soon as we walked out of the caverns, it was thundering.  We barely made it to our car before it started downpouring.  And it rained ALL THE WAY HOME!  UGH!  Florida is no longer known as the sunshine state.  :-(
Have a great day!


  1. Sherie,

    We visited about 2 years ago and it was fascinating! We live in Central Florida. Thanks for sharing your great photos! Holly

    1. Wow! That was quite the drive for you. Thanks for stopping by! Sherie
