Monday, September 23, 2013

Living History

Have you ever been to a bridal shower and had to wrap somebody in toilet paper to create a dress?  Me too!  So, when I read about making mummies, this is what I pictured.  Well, when you are dealing with 7 & 8 year olds, it doesn't alway turn out the way you have pictured in your mind.  LOL!  But you know what?  We had fun, no matter what!

I love to make history come to life.  I don't remember doing this in school, EVER!  I remember history being B-O-R-I-N-G!  But, when you bring it to life it embeds history in your mind and you don't forget it (like I did).

So, off we went into the boys room and they picked out the stuffed animal they wanted to mummify.  The first animal my youngest boy wanted to mummify was a whale.  I was like, ummmm no.  That would take all of the toilet paper we have in the house.  LOL!  They then chose small animals to mummify.  Shphew!

Here are the result of the mummification of stuffed animals.

Yes, I have a mess in our office/classroom.  I'm getting ready for a yard sale, but its has rained every weekend this summer, so this stuff is just sitting there.....

Yes, it is 90 degrees outside and my youngest has on long sleeves.  I'm allowing them to pick out their own clothes these days and so we are experimenting with what matched and what doesn't.

Yes, we used A LOT of toilet paper.  But you know what?  The frugal mom in me made them pick it all up and put it in a basket and they had to use it every time the went to the bathroom until it was all gone.  LOL! 

Back to history, I LOVE how Mystery of History has an activity after every lesson.  It really brings history to life for everybody!

I hope this gives you some ideas as to how to bring history to life for your kids!

Have a GREAT day!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! We will be on the mummies Wednesday. I will have to try this :)
