Monday, September 9, 2013

First day of School

I'm a little behind in posting this.  My daughter is starting her Senior year in Public School.  Yes, I said Public School.  However, her school is a little different from your typical PS.  She is in a Technical High School, which if you were like me, you would be like, *gasp* a Technical High School?  Yea, its not like that either.  Her school you have to apply to go there in December of your 8th grade year.  Then, they inform you in April if you got in or not.  They only allow 300 kids in each year.  So, if all of the kids stayed at this school, there would 1200 students.  BUT, of the 300 per class some transfer out to other public schools, some are military families, so they transfer out.  Anyway, the senior class ends up with about 150-200 students.  Which does sound like a big number, but when the other schools are graduating 400-500 per school each year, 150-200 is s-weet!

And, they aren't learning hairdressing, or mechanics (which there is nothing wrong with those careers, I have many friends in both of those career fields and making great incomes).  No, this school has Information Technology, Nursing, EMS, and others I can't think of right now.  My daughter happens to be in the career field of Biomedical Technologies.  Her goal is to become a nurse practitioner.  She is a great student.  She is in all AP, Honors, or Dual Enrollment classes.  I am so proud of her!

A little background on her.  She went to private school until 5th grade.  Then I homeschooled her for 3 years.  Then, she went into the public school system. 

Here is a couple of pics.

Isn't she beautiful?!?

And now, this is what the rest of us did on the first day of public school.

(don't be hatin' on our scores!  LOL!)
After bowling, we went for pizza, and then we went to see Turbo!  It was a total blast of a day.  It turns out, we had just finished 30 days of school.  I think we may have another fun day after the next 30 days of school are accomplished.
Have a GREAT day!

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