Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tithing Tuesday

Today I am starting a new series called Tithing Tuesday.  It seems that if I wait until I am at church on Wednesday night to write out my tithe check, I will inevitably forget to do it until the offering plate is being passed around and then its too late to get it written.  So, I have started taking Tuesday and writing my check out.  Yes, I recommend you write a check.  That way you have a record of how much you have given for tax purposes.  I have a client that one year, got tired of waiting on the check to clear the bank, so they would get cash out and put that in the offering plate.  Guess what, they forgot to write down how much they gave a few weeks out of the year, so they didn't get the write-off because the church had no idea who gave that cash.

How do you tithe?  Well, according to the Bible you are supposed to tithe 10% of your income.  Yes, you can tithe more.  God will never say, ummmmm no this is too much.  LOL!  No, whatever you tithe, the church will use it to further the work of the Lord.  If you give more than your 10%, then they will have that much more to help further it.

Why tithe?  Its part of God's word.  I always like to do what God tells me to do.  And this is definitely one of those things in the Bible that God directs Christians to do.

Let me tell you, He will bless you for tithing.  I am a testimony to that.  In fact, just a few weeks ago, I had tithed on a Wednesday night.  On Sunday night, my husband asked if I had written many checks.  One of the ones I told him about was the tithe check.  I guess he was not prepared for me to tithe that week, because he asked me why I did that.  I told him that God will bless me because I tithed.  You know what?  The Very Next Day, my phone rang.  It was a tax client that owns a business. she was asking me to start doing her payroll.  You know what?  That was a blessing from God!  He was rewarding me for being faithful in my giving.  You Can Never Out Give God!  So, my little $100 tithe check turned into a client that will bring in $150 every month.  So, my little tithe check has now grown by another $15.  Another $15 that will Will further God's work in our community and across the globe.

Am I rich because I tithe?  Heavens No!  But, the Lord has blessed our family enough that we don't suffer and we don't do without.

Is Tithing a fix all, solve all?  No Way!  You AND your spouse (if you are married) have to be on-board and budget together. We don't sit down every week in a budget meeting anymore.  We used to, when we were working together to eliminate our debt.  But, now we sit down every few months and make sure we are on the same track and thought process with our finances.  Let me just say, when we do sit down and discuss our finances, mountains are moved.  We are very determined people and we like to get things done.  (Next week, we will discuss budgeting, debt, and fitting the tithe money in there as well)

I encourage you to tithe.  You will not regret it.  Don't expect great blessing the first week of tithing.   God has something special in store for you.  And it may take some time in order for you to reap the blessings.  But, as long as you stay faithful in your faith, continue to tithe, and live a pure life, God will Bless You for it.

Let me just say, if you haven't asked the Lord into your heart, please do so.  You Must first be a Christian before the blessing begin.  Tithing alone will not get you into heaven.  Living a pure life, full of good deeds, will not get you into heaven.  But, praying and asking God to save you from your sins and cleanse you of all of your bad deeds, WILL get you into heaven.  And, if you mean it (God knows your heart), God will help you with anything you may have going on in your life.

I am not perfect.  I am FAR from perfect.  But, God is helping me work towards being perfect in His eyes.  I will never be perfect, Only God is perfect.  Nobody will ever be perfect.  But, if you ask Him into your heart and you are going through something (Alcohol, Drugs, Pornography, Lying, Adultery, etc), seek help through your church.  They have or know of programs that can help you.  It takes a heart that is willing to change.  And God knows if you have that heart or not.  He may be speaking to you right now.  So, ask him into your heart and then pick up the phone and call your church to ask for help in your situation.

Have a GREAT day!


  1. I love it when people talk about tithing! When my husband and I first married we determined to be more faithful in tithing. It really does bless us! Somehow God uses that small act of faith to build our faith in ALL areas of life. Letting go of something that we are so tempted to find security in causes us to turn our hearts and minds to Him, where it belongs.

    It seems like 10% is so arbitrary but what seems funny about it to us is that it really is just the right amount. From low to average income, it stings a little to give 10% but it isn't crippling financially. Since we've started tithing regularly, we've decided that the best advice is to use the 10% guideline to build up a faithful tithing habit, and then determine in your heart what God would have you give above and beyond that. And then do it with great joy. The more we (I) unclasp my hands and give Him what I am tempted to cling to, the more I am driven to my knees and cling to Him. What a mysterious, beautiful thing it is!

    Thanks so much for your post!

  2. Great post! Tithing is not talked about enough, and I agree the Lord will bless your efforts. You may not know how or when, but he will bless again and again <3
