Friday, September 20, 2013

Psalm 19:7

I LOVE my Bible studies in the morning.  I Always get something out of what I am reading.  Today, this is what I got out of reading and I had to share it with you.  I hope you get the joy out of knowing God is in Total Control as I do.

"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;" (Psalm 19:7 ESV)

Reading the Bible transforms me and it can transform you. That’s what this verse is saying. “The law of the LORD .”

 God’s Word is to be the norm. It is the standard by which every other truth is measured or assessed.

Notice it says, “The law of the LORD.” Think about how through the centuries men have laid down their laws and rules saying this is the way society should be governed. People come and go but, “The law of the LORD” remains.

It is also “perfect.” That summarizes it doesn’t it?  The word perfect means literally all-sided; many faceted; all encompassing; comprehensive.

“The law of the LORD” is so perfect it “revives the soul.”  The soul is the inner part of you. It’s the immaterial part of you. You’re not just a physical person. There’s also a part of you that is spiritual. There’s a part of you that will live forever. That’s the part that needs to be converted.

I'm praying for all of you who stop by and read my little blog post today that you will be blessed by what you have read and it will impact your life as it has impacted mine.

Have a GREAT day!

Hearts for Home Blog Hop


  1. It revives the soul - oh, I like that - and it's true - it refreshes, makes the day different, sweeter and stronger! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  2. What a JOY indeed!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! Great words to chew on!! Blessings!
