Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Giving, its what we do! Try it, you will see the blessings!

Some people look at other’s lives and wonder, “Why don’t I have what they have?” They may speculate on all the horizontal reasons, but I can tell you why. The flow of God’s blessing into their own lives has been plugged up by their stinginess. They are not experiencing the grace of giving. 

One of the most important decisions you make as a believer is to give your tithes and offerings to the Lord’s work. God knows what you give. Every time that offering plate comes down the aisle, He sees you take that huge step of faith, cheerfully giving what you can.

You may say, “How will I get by?” or “If I give to God, who’s gonna take care of me?”

I’ll tell you who—God will! Do you think you can out-give God? No. He may bless you financially, or in answered prayer, or in health and strength. But no one can out-give God. No one. 

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